International special conference
Qualifying Roma and Sinti as mediators in education, employment and social work
21st – 22nd October 2004 Berlin



Registration form for the special conference
on 21st and 22nd October 2004

I would hereby like to register my participation in the special conference of mediators on 21st and 22nd October 2004:

first name*   surname*
  town and postal code
  e-mail address*
* obligatory information

Please note: Tax for conference 20,00 €. Once registered, you will appear with your name, institution and country on the list of participants.

Registration for speakers

Gefördert durch: Europäische Union - Europäischer Sozialfonds Gefördert durch: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit RAA-Berlin Förderverein Roma e.V. AW-AG BLK-Modellprogramm "Demokratie lernen & leben" BLK
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Die Tagung wird vorbereitet in Kooperation mit dem Berliner Vorhaben im BLK-Modellprogramm "Demokratie lernen & leben"